Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Ohio skies...

The past few days, the sky has reminded me of Ohio. Since I can remember, we (Mom, Amy, and I) would travel to Ohio for the Christmas break. This sucked during my high school years because I couldn't hang out with friends and when they asked, "Oh, where are you going over the break?," my reply was, "Um...Ohio." I like it there though...people talk slowly and there seems to be respect abound. My grandma lived in a suburb that had houses from the 50s---lots of brick McMansions....

One of my favorite parts of the Ohio holiday trip was the washed out skies. The sky in Ohio, during winter months, is always a white/grey hue; it basically looks like a "snow day" everyday.

Our Jersey skies have been Ohio-esque lately... but it's annoying. The thermometer still reads 60 degrees. I'd like a scattering of snow. I'd like to wear my goofy winter hat with ear flaps. And, like the rest of the world, I want to buy Ugg-esque boots...but I want to wait until the winter weather arrives.... When?

Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Am amidst writing a research paper for class. I have spent tons of time reading articles and book excerpts. The reading and highlighting of main points was actually "fun." Now I'm onto writing the paper. It's horrible. It's been an hour and I've only written 1.5 paragraphs... and I've done my research already! All I have to do is put it into written form; that's "all."

When educational pursuits or assignments frustrate me, I usually give in to two options:

1] Cleaning/domesticity:
I detest domestic tasks but amidst [there that word is again, damn it!] writing papers, I sometimes have this urge to clean. Tonight I put a load of laundry into the washer. Granted, for most people laundry isn't seen as a huge task. However, when you have to lug it downstairs and walk to the washer/dryer facility in your apartment complex, laundry deserves to be called a moderate task, at least.

2] FOOD:
Stress, sadness, happiness, holidays, boredom, ---anything seems to be a good excuse to eat. Tonight I've gone carb crazy. Things started out peacefully. I had a veggie burger and a cauliflower/broccoli mix. Then the writer's block set in. Suddenly, the loaf of wheat bread was calling me... and the apples...and now the I have a craving for chocolate [not exactly carbs, just junk] and have contemplated walking to the gas station...because, hey, walking takes more time than driving and I could use some time wasters right now...

as my 1.5 paragraphs await my return...

Friday, November 24, 2006

Don't impose your religion on me....

especially at 10AM on the day after Thanksgiving.

I was up for awhile this morning, just going back and forth from being awake to being asleep. During one of the half wake/half asleep intervals, I heard our doorbell ring. Our doorbell makes this frightening buzzing noise, comparable to what you'd hear at Disneyworld's Haunted Mansion. I continued staying in bed...maybe it was the neighbors' doorbell that I heard instead. Then, the knocking on the door began.

Sleepy-eyed, and with crazy semi-brushed hair, I made my way downstairs. I opened the door and saw two young guys in suits holding copies of AWAKE in their hands. Jehovah's Witnesses at my apartment door at 10:00am on the day after Thanksgiving? Are you kidding me? They greeted me by saying, "Hi, we know you weren't expecting us..." Um...that's a no brainer....

Before they went into their little monologues, I said, "You guys are Jehovah's right? My friend is one. I'll take some of the magazines." And I sent them on their merry way.

I don't mind hearing about other religions, but trying to impose them on me at 10am? Are you crazy? I hope they're prepared for what they might get at my apartment complex--- rude replies and door slams... but not from me.

Monday, November 20, 2006


I've always been a pretty observant person...this might be due to the onset of adolescent shyness...when I was younger, I wasn't an outgoing, loudmouthed, instead, I guess I just took notice of things going on around me.

Two observations from today:

1) The venting-my-rage kid at Shoprite... one of the cart gatherers (what else would that job be called?...cart gatherer is along the lines of custodial engineer....I love fancy names) was putting a bunch of carts into another line of already connected carts and BAM! he smashed them all together. I can say I've done the same thing at Costco, upon returning one of the megacarts to its proper location... it's a good release...comparable to boxing or jogging...just a quicker form of satisfaction...

2) Around 7:00, my car was behind another car at a stoplight. Though I couldn't see too well, because of the swirl of red (from the stoplight and brakelights, combined) I could make out the image of the girl in the passenger seat leaning over and kissing the guy in the driver's seat. It's nice to know there are other couples out there who wisely spend the 15 seconds at a traffic light amidst affections...

In both cases, everyone probably thought they were carrying on in their normal daily life, without being watched by anyone else...but there I was. I wonder...who was watching me?

Cue creepy music....

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Concert Pet Peeves

It’s silly of me to say, “Things were better back then…” because the “then” I would be talking about would only be about a decade and a half ago. The first concert I attended was New Kids on the Block (1990), followed by Goldfinger, Sponge, and plenty of 80s-bands’ lawn seat concerts at PNC. I haven’t exactly lived a rock ‘n’ roll lifestyle. Still though….certain facets of concerts today simply suck:

1) The current use of cell phones as “lighters,” being held in the air by enthusiastic concert goers. I just think it is cheesy.

2) When people yell into their cell phone, “Hey, listen to this!” and then proceed to hold the cell phone into the air so that the person on the other end of the line can be delighted when they hear a smattering of yelling and screaming in their air.

3) With the popularity of camera phones and digital cameras, there doesn’t seem to be the concert restriction on cameras—there’s not really a way to get people to not bring those items into the venue. However, when people stand for minutes and minutes and photograph/record the concert, it just seems lame. They spend more time concentrating on their amateur photography of the concert than actually enjoying the concert.

4) Because of the “danger” of glass bottles, you either get glass bottles of alcohol and have to stay within an enclosed area OR (PNC –style), they pour the glass bottle’s contents into a plastic cup…but the plastic cup’s capacity is never as high as the bottle itself…so you technically don’t get the full bottle that you paid for.

5) (My last concert pet peeve, which is not confined to a certain era or decade…it’s been existent since concerts have been around) : When someone in front of you is bobbing up and down AND their untethered long hair is waving in front of your face…