Saturday, December 09, 2006
Weird cat lady gets weirder
Went to the Indian restaurant near our apartment and got the lunch buffet...Chicken Tikka Masala, Naan, and various other foods that I do not know by name.
Eating at a restaurant alone is kind of weird. I felt like everyone was watching me and wondering, "Why is she here alone?" Three things crossed my mind...things they could have been thinking:
1] she is completely antisocial and weird...but happens to like Indian food
2] she is bulimic--one of those people who you see on Tyra Banks' show or something... she binges by herself...and will soon proceed to go into the bathroom
3] she is a member of OverEaters Anonymous and is "getting her fix" right now.
I obviously think too much.
Eating alone is kind of feels a bit liberating...the fact that you do not need company in order to enjoy the ambiance of a restaurant. I know some friends who always feel the need to be with other people when they go shopping, to the movies, etc. I quite like being alone...
Shortly after I was there, a guy came in and had lunch by himself too. He was in the booth near mine and instead of having his back face me, his face was facing me. I thought that was odd.
As I left the restaurant, I heard a student say hi to me. The student was there with her whole family. It was odd, unexpected. I mean, it wasnt like I was at Friday's or Bennigan's or something...this is a small Indian restaurant in the middle of a stripmall that features Dress Barn and Marshalls. I quickly replied, "Hi" back to the student.
I know my students think of me as cat lady. I never mention John because teaching is one of those professions where "the system" likes to be conservative and traditional---people living together BEFORE marriage? What an unorthodox idea!
Now instead of being "cat lady," I will be weird cat lady who had mid-day binges of Indian herself. Oh well. :)
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Haribo candy, i love you.
I'm not really 'stressed' about the paper. It is what it is and I have given myself plenty of time to get it done. However, I have used this paper as an excuse to eat tons of candy....because, you know, when you're 'stressed,' sometimes food helps. Last week, I "scored" some caramel/candied apples and Reeses Pieces.... Today I went to the store and bought some Haribo root beer hard as imaginable, tooth-breaking gumminess, but so good.
The other day I was jokingly telling John that I want to look like Kate Moss. We were both joking about how she has to "work" to look like she does-- you know, supporting a crack habit is not easy nowadays...
I think it's funny how we make excuses for ourselves so that we can things that we like.-- the example being my candy frenzy.
Tomorrow after class, I WILL exercise.
John had me work out with him the other day and now my legs and shoulders hurt...that's my excuse for not exercising today. I told John that if he was my personal trainer, I would have taken 70 bucks cash, thrown it at him, and exclaimed, "I quit."
Sunday, December 03, 2006
No peeping toms, megalomaniacs, emotional fuckwits, or perverts
Most of all, I like how Bridget Jones (via Renee Zellweger), is this goofy, insecure character who somehow remains charming.
This movie reminds me of a book I recently read, Jemima J, by Jane Green. I’d have to carefully compare publication dates but I think Jemima J is a complete ripoff of Bridget Jones’s Diary…and since it was a book before it was a movie, I’m sure the Helen Fielding book came out before Jane Green’s literary endeavor. Jemima J features a British woman who works in the journalism field (coincidence?). She’s overweight and has a huge crush on someone within her office… she ends up meeting someone online, in
But Bridget Jones--- such a charming character---and she feels real too! She makes completely stupid mistakes but somehow seems to come out on top… Anyway, the movie makes for a great way to procrastinate on a Sunday night….