Saturday, December 09, 2006
Weird cat lady gets weirder
Went to the Indian restaurant near our apartment and got the lunch buffet...Chicken Tikka Masala, Naan, and various other foods that I do not know by name.
Eating at a restaurant alone is kind of weird. I felt like everyone was watching me and wondering, "Why is she here alone?" Three things crossed my mind...things they could have been thinking:
1] she is completely antisocial and weird...but happens to like Indian food
2] she is bulimic--one of those people who you see on Tyra Banks' show or something... she binges by herself...and will soon proceed to go into the bathroom
3] she is a member of OverEaters Anonymous and is "getting her fix" right now.
I obviously think too much.
Eating alone is kind of feels a bit liberating...the fact that you do not need company in order to enjoy the ambiance of a restaurant. I know some friends who always feel the need to be with other people when they go shopping, to the movies, etc. I quite like being alone...
Shortly after I was there, a guy came in and had lunch by himself too. He was in the booth near mine and instead of having his back face me, his face was facing me. I thought that was odd.
As I left the restaurant, I heard a student say hi to me. The student was there with her whole family. It was odd, unexpected. I mean, it wasnt like I was at Friday's or Bennigan's or something...this is a small Indian restaurant in the middle of a stripmall that features Dress Barn and Marshalls. I quickly replied, "Hi" back to the student.
I know my students think of me as cat lady. I never mention John because teaching is one of those professions where "the system" likes to be conservative and traditional---people living together BEFORE marriage? What an unorthodox idea!
Now instead of being "cat lady," I will be weird cat lady who had mid-day binges of Indian herself. Oh well. :)
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Haribo candy, i love you.
I'm not really 'stressed' about the paper. It is what it is and I have given myself plenty of time to get it done. However, I have used this paper as an excuse to eat tons of candy....because, you know, when you're 'stressed,' sometimes food helps. Last week, I "scored" some caramel/candied apples and Reeses Pieces.... Today I went to the store and bought some Haribo root beer hard as imaginable, tooth-breaking gumminess, but so good.
The other day I was jokingly telling John that I want to look like Kate Moss. We were both joking about how she has to "work" to look like she does-- you know, supporting a crack habit is not easy nowadays...
I think it's funny how we make excuses for ourselves so that we can things that we like.-- the example being my candy frenzy.
Tomorrow after class, I WILL exercise.
John had me work out with him the other day and now my legs and shoulders hurt...that's my excuse for not exercising today. I told John that if he was my personal trainer, I would have taken 70 bucks cash, thrown it at him, and exclaimed, "I quit."
Sunday, December 03, 2006
No peeping toms, megalomaniacs, emotional fuckwits, or perverts
Most of all, I like how Bridget Jones (via Renee Zellweger), is this goofy, insecure character who somehow remains charming.
This movie reminds me of a book I recently read, Jemima J, by Jane Green. I’d have to carefully compare publication dates but I think Jemima J is a complete ripoff of Bridget Jones’s Diary…and since it was a book before it was a movie, I’m sure the Helen Fielding book came out before Jane Green’s literary endeavor. Jemima J features a British woman who works in the journalism field (coincidence?). She’s overweight and has a huge crush on someone within her office… she ends up meeting someone online, in
But Bridget Jones--- such a charming character---and she feels real too! She makes completely stupid mistakes but somehow seems to come out on top… Anyway, the movie makes for a great way to procrastinate on a Sunday night….
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Ohio skies...
One of my favorite parts of the Ohio holiday trip was the washed out skies. The sky in Ohio, during winter months, is always a white/grey hue; it basically looks like a "snow day" everyday.
Our Jersey skies have been Ohio-esque lately... but it's annoying. The thermometer still reads 60 degrees. I'd like a scattering of snow. I'd like to wear my goofy winter hat with ear flaps. And, like the rest of the world, I want to buy Ugg-esque boots...but I want to wait until the winter weather arrives.... When?
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
When educational pursuits or assignments frustrate me, I usually give in to two options:
1] Cleaning/domesticity:
I detest domestic tasks but amidst [there that word is again, damn it!] writing papers, I sometimes have this urge to clean. Tonight I put a load of laundry into the washer. Granted, for most people laundry isn't seen as a huge task. However, when you have to lug it downstairs and walk to the washer/dryer facility in your apartment complex, laundry deserves to be called a moderate task, at least.
2] FOOD:
Stress, sadness, happiness, holidays, boredom, ---anything seems to be a good excuse to eat. Tonight I've gone carb crazy. Things started out peacefully. I had a veggie burger and a cauliflower/broccoli mix. Then the writer's block set in. Suddenly, the loaf of wheat bread was calling me... and the apples...and now the I have a craving for chocolate [not exactly carbs, just junk] and have contemplated walking to the gas station...because, hey, walking takes more time than driving and I could use some time wasters right now...
as my 1.5 paragraphs await my return...
Friday, November 24, 2006
Don't impose your religion on me....
I was up for awhile this morning, just going back and forth from being awake to being asleep. During one of the half wake/half asleep intervals, I heard our doorbell ring. Our doorbell makes this frightening buzzing noise, comparable to what you'd hear at Disneyworld's Haunted Mansion. I continued staying in bed...maybe it was the neighbors' doorbell that I heard instead. Then, the knocking on the door began.
Sleepy-eyed, and with crazy semi-brushed hair, I made my way downstairs. I opened the door and saw two young guys in suits holding copies of AWAKE in their hands. Jehovah's Witnesses at my apartment door at 10:00am on the day after Thanksgiving? Are you kidding me? They greeted me by saying, "Hi, we know you weren't expecting us..." Um...that's a no brainer....
Before they went into their little monologues, I said, "You guys are Jehovah's right? My friend is one. I'll take some of the magazines." And I sent them on their merry way.
I don't mind hearing about other religions, but trying to impose them on me at 10am? Are you crazy? I hope they're prepared for what they might get at my apartment complex--- rude replies and door slams... but not from me.
Monday, November 20, 2006
Two observations from today:
1) The venting-my-rage kid at Shoprite... one of the cart gatherers (what else would that job be called?...cart gatherer is along the lines of custodial engineer....I love fancy names) was putting a bunch of carts into another line of already connected carts and BAM! he smashed them all together. I can say I've done the same thing at Costco, upon returning one of the megacarts to its proper location... it's a good release...comparable to boxing or jogging...just a quicker form of satisfaction...
2) Around 7:00, my car was behind another car at a stoplight. Though I couldn't see too well, because of the swirl of red (from the stoplight and brakelights, combined) I could make out the image of the girl in the passenger seat leaning over and kissing the guy in the driver's seat. It's nice to know there are other couples out there who wisely spend the 15 seconds at a traffic light amidst affections...
In both cases, everyone probably thought they were carrying on in their normal daily life, without being watched by anyone else...but there I was. I wonder...who was watching me?
Cue creepy music....
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Concert Pet Peeves
1) The current use of cell phones as “lighters,” being held in the air by enthusiastic concert goers. I just think it is cheesy.
2) When people yell into their cell phone, “Hey, listen to this!” and then proceed to hold the cell phone into the air so that the person on the other end of the line can be delighted when they hear a smattering of yelling and screaming in their air.
3) With the popularity of camera phones and digital cameras, there doesn’t seem to be the concert restriction on cameras—there’s not really a way to get people to not bring those items into the venue. However, when people stand for minutes and minutes and photograph/record the concert, it just seems lame. They spend more time concentrating on their amateur photography of the concert than actually enjoying the concert.
4) Because of the “danger” of glass bottles, you either get glass bottles of alcohol and have to stay within an enclosed area OR (PNC –style), they pour the glass bottle’s contents into a plastic cup…but the plastic cup’s capacity is never as high as the bottle itself…so you technically don’t get the full bottle that you paid for.
5) (My last concert pet peeve, which is not confined to a certain era or decade…it’s been existent since concerts have been around) : When someone in front of you is bobbing up and down AND their untethered long hair is waving in front of your face…
Friday, October 20, 2006
Myspace profile pics and self-esteem...woo hoo!.
I find entertainment in looking at people's pics on Myspace...not in a creepy way...just natural curiosity. I also like reading the obituaries, wedding announcements, and arrests/thefts/etc listings in the paper. Natural curiosity... and yes, I slow down when I see an accident on the highway. Simultaneously, I am cursing at all of the other drivers on the road, "Come on, what, you've never seen a fucking accident before...Move along, move along."
Yes...Myspace lurking is fun....
Been reading a book called Generation Me... basically about the kids born from 1980-current...also called iGeneration, Generation Y [lame!], or Generation Entitlement. The book points out how high self-esteem programs have actually been a disadvantage for our kids... now everyone feels great about themselves, in every aspect...not realizing/appreciating that you can be horrible at one thing but excel in other areas...nope, you're just wonderful no matter what. The book also mentions how kids feel like everything should just be given to them [even if they don't work for it]; that's what Generation Me is used to....
The terms iGeneration and Generation Me make me think of Myspace.... I mean, your profile is like an advertisement of yourself...and of course, you have all sorts of fun pictures up and pictures of hobbies that YOU are into... what strikes me as odd is when all people have on their profile is "posed" pictures of themselves... is this egocentric, "high self esteem," or narcissism? I HATE pictures of me by myself... I like people [or cats!] in pictures with me....
The best image in the book is a color-by-# poster that has the words "YOU ARE SPECIAL" in the center. There are directions for which colors to use for which letters/spaces. Below the poster, the author has the caption of: "Remember, everyone is special. Maybe if you color the whole poster you can catch the irony."
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Slutty Halloween Costumes...
Decision: will wait until next year's Ren-Faire and will seek out a "real" Ren-ish outfit, not some lame Party City imitation
2nd choice costume: Pirate
Commentary: I know that being a pirate is probably so trendy now, with the Pirates of Carribbean movies and all. I don't even like those movies; I fell asleep during the first one. All my life, I've had cheesy Halloween costumes. I was always "something" that could be easily concocted: baby, cheerleader, cowgirl, hula girl, clown, etc. I don't think I have ever really felt the full essence of Halloween. Even though the pirate idea is kind of trendy, I think it will be fun... pirate outfit, cheesy hat, sword, boots, possibly fishnet stockings....
Decision: to be decided... Are there any non-slutty costumes out there?
Seriously! All of the Halloween costumes I've seen are so trampy. i know women's costumes tend to be "sexy," but some things I've seen are just ridiculous. Slutty seems to be the new norm. One website featured a "new for 2006!" costume: Red Light Rita. Who's going to be a prostitute for Halloween? Anything that can turned into a trampy costume will be turned into a trampy costume. I looked online for pirate outfits... they've managed to create pirate-slut outfits. I found one costume that was cute and semi-sexy; it was plus size. So is the idea that if you're in good shape, you can dress as the slutty pirate, but if you're overweight, you better cover yourself up?
They even had a "naughty librarian" outfit. I guess costumes like that would be cool if you created them yourself, but the fact that you can buy any costume...that's kind of annoying too...
The adult costumes bug me but, hey, adults can make a choice whether to go the salacious route.
What really bugs me is that they make sexy versions of these costumes for teens [when I think of teens, I think anywhere from age 13-18....]. I find it so disturbing. This one website [] annoyed me. They had a teen costumes section with costumes like [let me preface the costumes with "slutty"]: Little Bo Peep, "Hottie Totties" Little Red Riding Hood, Red Hot Witch Queen [basically a SHORT red dress and red withc hat], etc. I know that there's a huge difference between a 13 year old and an 18 year old, but still. I worry about the kind of thing we're promoting...
So on I go...the search continues... for a "semi" sexy, non-slutty pirate outfit....
Monday, October 09, 2006
Examples from today:
Online there was an article regarding health tips on how medications can react badly with alcohol. Who doesnt know that? I mean, most people who socially drink will drink despite being told not to because of prescription mixtures, but that's their problem. They've been informed. How they use the information is up to them.
Even more duh-worthy was a tv news/internet news feature on how having kids involved in too many activities may stress them out and harm them in the long run.
CHICAGO — Here's some soothing medicine for stressed-out parents and overscheduled kids: The American Academy of Pediatrics says what children really need for healthy development is more good, old-fashioned playtime.
Many parents load their children's schedules with get-smart videos, enrichment activities and lots of classes in a drive to help them excel. The efforts often begin as early as infancy.
Spontaneous, free play — whether it's chasing butterflies, playing with "true toys" like blocks and dolls, or just romping on the floor with mom and dad — often is sacrificed in the shuffle, a new academy report says. ... [blah blah blah]
I never understood the need to have one's kids involved in tons of activities. Well, I kind of understand the schedule-them-in-everything mentality: 1] parents almost feel this "need," maybe it's due to competitiveness, to have their children involved in tons of activities... it almost validates them as parents, that they're doing a good job ; 2] some parents want to give their children the opportunities that they never had; and 3] some parents want to turn their kids into what they never got a chance to become.
When I was a kid, I did softball in the spring. During the schoolyear, I was in band and on safety patrol [Choruses sing "Dork!;" I know]. As the years went on, I got involved with clubs at school. But I would never say that my schedule was packed- only during sports seasons. Even then, I'd get home at 6 and have time for homework and for myself. I don't understand the need to rush kids from place to place; it ends up stressing parents too...since Mom and Dad are usually the drivers from place A to place B.
We're fatter than ever. We're tired than ever. We're out of touch more than ever.
Calm down, America.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Nature! Goulet!!
"Staring contest, me and you. You win, you always do." So funny. And I found out the other day that Robert Goulet really exists...thus making the skit even more funny.
I love this type of weather. The air is chilly and most conventional people are already wearing their "fall jackets."I don't own a fall jacket. It's either a wool peacoat or nothing. I like feeling the cold air hit my body; it wakes me up in the morning. Sometimes, even during the winter months, I drive with my driver's side window down. I sing out the window; sometimes I can see my breath fade into the distance, as I drive on.
I always get annoyed when I see people driving with their windows up, despite a beautiful day of weather. I just don't understand why they wouldn't want to feel a cool breeze as they drive. This annoyance sometimes turns into true pissed-off-ed-ness. I know that's kind of crazy... I don't get it though. Unless it's 95 degrees out with 100% humidity, why not drive with the windows down?
The leaves are starting to change color and this is the season where I get to run the gamut with color adjectives: vermillion, mustard, mahogany, burgundy, crimson, ...
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
80s diversions
Friday, we're going to see Frankie Goes to Englewood play at a local bar. Worst name ever for a band? Close to it. I plan on wearing as many earrings as I can -- kind of an 80s look, I guess. Remember Jane Child with the nose-to-ear jewelry?
I've already re-pierced my 2nd earhole; it wasn't too difficult. I must have pliable flesh. Lovely.
I also plan on sporting my jeans which feature the authentic hole-in-the-knee. I was slightly intoxicated at a concert and fell on concrete, on my knees. I least my jeans look cooler now...
Saturday is lovey-dovey day. John and I have vowed to no longer have Qdoba, Moe's, or Baja Fresh for mid-afternoon lunches. The huge meals incapacitate us for the rest of the day: we lie around like beached whales or manatees.
Sunday we might go to Great Adventure. FrightFest is cheesy but I get scared so easily. John enjoys hearing me shriek when some ridiculously dressed "monster" jumps out from behind a random haystack.
I like how things have been lately, in terms of "getting out" and being social. Damn- it only took 26 years for me to act like a normal human and go out and have fun. These times are much better than years ago...I'd come home from work on a Friday afternoon, have chicken soup and tons of bread [carbs= happiness? I don't know- but it seemed to be my theory at the time], and go to sleep at 9:00...
Onward and upward, with the low-carb life diet.
Monday, October 02, 2006
academic readings....
I don't "get" academic readings; it's like there's a contest to create the most indecipherable language. Just because something is said in a simpler way does not make it "stupid."
I'm stopping with the reading for today... at this pace, I should finish reading my assigned books by....never.
The boredom of the academic readings has motivated me to go home, do some laundry, and listen to the swish of the washer machine.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Selling my eggs on ebay
The fact of the matter is that even though I haven't had fertility tests or anything, I bet I am the most fertile person and would have no trouble getting pregnant. Unfortunately, I think that's how it tends to be. The people that desire children to no end have difficulty getting pregnant and/or carrying the baby to full term. The people like me who say, "Children? Nope, not ever me" are the ones who probably can easily get pregnant.
I've recently had a change of heart. I don't know exactly one factor that brought the change about. I used to joke that working at a middle school was like instant cause for birth control or sterilization. I mean, there are some "good kids," but there are some brats too..makes you think: what if my kid ended up like one of the brats?
But I am rethinking my whole I-don't-want-kids view. What scares me though is I have never even held a baby in my life. My family is so small; there were not constant occasions where there were babies being born and little kids running around. But I know if I got pregnant, I'd be the type to be reading any book out there on pregnancy or child-rearing. What to Expect When You're Expecting would constantly be in my hand.
Thinking about babies also brings up the fun topic of naming. John and I have talked about baby names. For girls, there aren't too many names that I like. Summer, Autumn, Desiree, and Veronica are favorites. I can't imagine a baby being called Veronica though--an older woman/seductress as Veronica, yes. But not a little baby.
For boy names, I like what John calls "gay names." I guess they are a little feminine for boys; the names I like aren't names you'd necessarily associate with future strong, brawny men: Evan, Ethan, Aidan, Jeremy, Joshua, Tobias, Justin, etc.
Out of curiosity, I looked at a website: Some of the names they have on the site are awesome [a.k.a. "weird"]: Raechel [cool spelling of Rachel], Radley, Reese [I know...the name of a celeb, not a good idea].
Something that struck me as odd and completely dumb was this tidbit that the website had under the category of "Baby Naming Advice." First off, why would someone need advice on picking a name?!
Here it is: In an experiment done by Harari and McDavid, it was found that teachers grade a paper higher if written by a child with an ordinary name as opposed to an unusual or unpopular name as opposed to when they were led to believe that the child had an unusual or unpopular name (see: Harari, H. & McDavid, J.W. (1973).
So stupid! Enough about that.
What's funny is that years ago the most popular names were names like Michael, Heather, Jennifer, etc. Nowadays, its hip to name your baby something "unique." And it gets to a point that once everyone has the same unique names, that they just become usual names. I took a look at the top 50 baby names [boys' and girls' names for 2005]. A lot of my effeminate boys' names are included in the top 50...
Of the top names, here are my picks: Tyler, Olivia, Dylan, Ava [sooooo popular now], Gabriel, Benjamin, Zachary, and Alyssa.
Out of a separate conversation that John and I had, we decided we like Victor the best... but with a "k." We have to be a little unique. In John's words, "Victor means the winner, the victor. How could that not be a good name?" My thoughts too.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Mall Madness
Anyway, Mall Madness... kind of like a Supermarket Sweep board game, but in relation to the mall instead of the food store. I went to and am relieved to say that Hasbro is still making Mall Madness. In case I ever feel like experiencing it, I can...
After class last night, I "felt like" going to the mall. I like to say that I am anti-consumerism and not materialistic. I'm nowhere near buying countless Coach bags or obsessing over the latest fashion/accessory trends. However, I do engage in retail therapy from time to time. Buying stuff does feel good, temporarily.
As soon as I got to the mall last night, I felt saddened. It is a depressing place. All of these products for sale in all of these varied stores... but essentially, all of the stores are the same and all of the products are the same low quality/ripoff price.
I know that none of my above comments are original or especially thought-provoking.
I ended buying a few things...2 shirts on sale and moisturizer. I did actually need the moisturizer and the clothing was work clothing.
I definitely didn't feel good when I left the mall though. I thought to myself, "I don't want to see a mall for awhile." Granted, I will probably be back to the mall within the next 2 weeks.
I've read several books on consumer culture, including mall culture: Call of the Mall, Affluenza, Culture Jam, on my to-read list is Why We Buy:The Science of Shopping. These books generally change my viewpoints and actions for a temporary amount of time. Again, I never reach the total consumer/materialistic mindset, but I usually do not hesitate too much if I really want to purchase something.
I've said for a long time that I have to make time for more meaningful things in life.... hiking has been a long time aspiration... I never "feel" like going to a nature area and hiking though...despite the fact that I drive to the gym in order to jog indoors on a treadmill... makes no sense.
I'm making time for the Ren-Faire on Saturday.... granted, the whole day will revolve around going to stores and buying gimmicky turkey legs and yards of ale's outside... one step closer to hiking...
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Nostalgia is something I've been thinking about for the past few months. I guess part of it is that all of this 1980s stuff is coming back into style, so I am constantly surrounded by styles and fads that I grew up with. I was only 10 years old at the end of the 80s decade, so I never got the chance to dress goofily with outfits like polka dotted leggings and off-the-shoulder shirts. I definitely had the crazy flourescent Wigwam socks though...classic!
It's nice to see stuff from my childhood...again. Like snap on bracelets....I saw those advertised in a catalog recently. I recall when the snap on bracelets were a trend/safety hazard. Some idiotic kid managed to harm himself with the dumb bracelets, thus leading to a snap-on bracelet ban at schools across the country.
It's just weird to be at this point in my life...seeing fashions and trends in stores and thinking, "Wow, I remember that." I know that every generation probably says this but I think that the stuff from my childhood [music, clothes, TV shows, all facets of pop culture] rocked. This was the decade of: hair bands and sensitive ballads, Mr. Belvedere, Alf, Small Wonder [for years, rumors circulated that Billy Corgan from the Smasking Pumpkins played the lead character on Small], Uncle Jesse's mullet on Full House, the Tiffany and Debbie Gibson battle, Who's the Boss?, the Coreys, flourescent colored clothing, cassette tapes:), Mario Brothers, Skinnydippers [awesome cookie/chocolate combo!...Dunkaroos is a lame Skinnydippers imitation], Darryl Strawberry [before the drug problems, Jose Canseuco [before the steroids], that cool starry-night montage/HBO themesong, Dirty Dancing [I watched that movie every day after school for at least 2 took until I was 15 or so before I fully understood the movie---"Penny got knocked up by Robby the kid," abortions, and such], and on and on....
I feel bad for the kids of 2000-2010...what a lame decade...
Sunday, September 10, 2006
"Ah ah ah ah ah, I know this much is true"
I don't know what is more odd: the fact that my neighbors are psyched about Spandau Ballet's "True" [I think I heard loud, enthusiastic singing too] or the fact that I know the actual name of an 80s one-hit wonder band.
Maybe their triple threat of "True" was provoked by John and I singing the Mr. Belvedere themesong last night. I went to Youtube, THE visual popculture bible, and found a video of the themesong. We also decided to be a little more contemporary, so we listened to Panic at the Disco's "I Write the Sins, Not the Tragedies" several times.
Yep, we're hipsters... haha.
I always tell John that the photos of him as a kid bear a striking resemblance to the kid that played Wesley on Mr. Belvedere. Wesley is such an odd name-- never in my life have I known someone with that name.
Off to attempt a productive Sunday... is that an oxymoron?
Friday, September 08, 2006
Someone listened to me...and remembered!
But...this post is teaching-related.
Today, before the last period, a student ran into my room and said, "Remember last year when you said that you read somewhere that basketball was the sport where there were the most injuries?" I quizzically replied, "Um, I suppose?" The student went on to tell me that he thought about it and figured out why basketball was the most injurious sport...He actually remembered something I said... I don't even remember reading an article/blurb on sports injuries... I just found it bizarre, and it did make my day! Students always seem to vividly remember the non-class related things that we say. I remember my 8th grade teacher was obsessed with the word undulate. That's about all I remember of her....oh, and she said it was okay for us to call her "Mugs," the shortened version of her last name... I don't think I ever called her Mugs; I thought it was weird. Plus, I was one of those super serious students... calling a teacher "Mugs"? Not in my world. My 9th grade teacher was a spaz who had a mythology mobile in the corner of her classroom and would pretend to converse with Greek gods and goddesses. A history teacher during my junior year slammed the door and left the room after shouting at us for not participating enough.
Today was a good day...
but damn, why did this beautiful weather have to arrive just as school got back into session?
Thursday, September 07, 2006
first day of school
Today was my first official day back at wor..."back to school"... and the sun was shining brightly. The sky was a perfect blue and clouds were scattered across the sky. I was stuck in a classroom with a bunch of 13 year olds. Either they've already gotten the puberty-is-hitting-and-you-need-deodorant discussion OR the humidity was low... no rancid body odor smell in the room, even at the end of the day. This was one of the day's highlights!
I wonder how many official first days of school I have had... kindergarten through 12th grade [13], college [4, 8 if you are counting in terms of semesters vs years]... I recall a first day in middle school. I got this pajama ensemble at Macey's. It "looked like" a normal outfit though, or so I thought at the time. I remember blue stripes... horizontal? I must've looked a mess.
The first day went pretty well... I am so comfortable with speaking in front of classes now but I remember when I started teaching, how reserved I was. I can only imagine what I looked like from a student's perspective... my voice was probably soft...I remember I used to convert my sentences into questions, ending with "Okay?," as if I was seeking the class's approval of what I was saying. I probably had my hands curled under, or held behind my back, or in some other weak position. My hair was probably covering my face... some idiotic theory that a curtain of hair covering the face will protect me from the wrath of badly behaved students.
Screw that now. I'm nowhere near being a "master teacher," but I definitely feel comfortable.
I even feel comfortable with acting like a crazy person in front of the students. If I am reading aloud, I can yell, show fear, maniacally laugh, weep, and so on. Because when it comes down to it, it's just a room full of 13 year olds. I can survive:)
Speaking of surviving, it would be hilarious if they had a Survivor-esque show where they pull people out of their regular jobs and have them teach for a day...
Friday, September 01, 2006
1] the cordless phone--- I tried paging the phone and could hear it beeping in the living room... but I couldn't find the phone. The battery finally died and the finding-by-beep method was no longer available. The phone has been lost for a week- how something could be lost for one week within a 2 bedroom apartment, I don't know.
2] my FAVORITE earring... They were hook earrings. I should have put the stupid plastic fastener on the back, but ...just didn't. I lost one of the earrings on Monday. Later in the day, I even drove back to the last shopping plaza I had been to and searched the parking lot like a crazy person. The earring was still not found.
3] My car keys-- this happened today. I went out to my car to get something and then later on, when I went to the gym, the keys were nowhere to be found...thank goodness for the spares.
GOOD NEWS...and my new mantra...
"When something is lost, seek it within the depth of the couch."
Not under the couch...not even under the couch cushions...but deep within the far right hand side of the couch...I dug and dug...found the phone and my car keys! Within this deep side pocket of the couch, I also found a lime green Crayola marker and a ruler...SCORE! As if I need any stationary supplies. If the world was ending and we all were seeking shelter somewhere else and people were designated to bring certain things with them, I would be Stationary Girl.
Anyway, the point of my endless blabbering is this: I've heard that if you have a cluttered apartment or room, that it creates clutter in your life. This is definitely true with me. My cluttered apartment has created cluttered intervals of time... walking around the apartment in circles, looking in the craziest spots for missing things. Example: I looked in the fridge for my car keys-- who knows? Maybe the keys were in my hand and I went into the fridge to get a piece of fruit and left the keys in the fridge.
Ok, I detest inspirational/motivational quotes mumbe-jumbo. However, since I am amidst the realization of my clutter-problem, I figured looking at some cheesy quotations might help me de-clutter...
"Clutter drains your energy - and you don't realize it till it's gone. Every item in your home has an energy to it. When items go a long time unused, unloved and uncared for, they become stuck, stagnant energy that actually physically drains you of your energy." ---- Ariane Benefit
Monday, August 28, 2006
My 2 vices in life...
1) Tabloids!
Ok, I never purchase tabloids because I am ultimately against what they stand for. For instance, poor Lark Voorhies [Lisa Turtle from Saved by the Bell] was accused of being a cocaine addict. I don't think she really is...the girl is a Jehovah's Witness!!! Tabloids perpetuate false stories...and more false stories are created because people buy the tabloids and "want more!" Ok, so I am "ethically" against tabloids... However, I am a huge fan of fiction and creative writing---and tabloids fit into that category! From an entertainment standpoint, i love tabloids... Also, I've always managed to know someone in my life who actually spends their money on that garbage. After they finish reading the magazines, they pass them on to me. I read them, get entertained, but can sleep safely at night knowing that I have not [monetarily] contributed to the tabloids. I know reading them is almost comparable to buying them though...oh well.
Carol is my current neighbor--- she is unemployed [she got fired from the foodstore for taking "unauthorized" deli cuts during her shift]. I have to hear her and her husband fighting all the time.... midnight...7am...any time is yelling time. The only redeeming fact about our neighbor relationship is that she is my source for free Star and National Enquirer magazines. Who knows; maybe she even knows that I can hear her and her husband yelling. The tabloids are like my "keep quiet/don't call the police on us even though there could be domestic abuse charges filed" bribe.
I am totally all over the Jon Benet Ramsey case. Even though John Mark Karr has been "cleared," he still could have had involvement. Just because his DNA isn't at the murder site does not mean he wasn't involved. No matter what the truth is, this is clearly one f-ed up individual. And of course as a crazy individual, Karr fascinates me. What a weirdo... supposedly, his family has sold rights to make a movie and book in the near future... I'd see the movie... I love MOWs.... movies of the week....
I'm also interested in the Britney Spears pregnancy. The photos from Harper's Bazaar's most recent! I give her credit. And I actually think the photos are quite well-done...although her hair looks tacky when it is dyed black....
2] My second vice: hurricane/tornado/bad weather coverage
I'm addicted to it--- weather coverage! It doesn't even have to be detrimental weather, general weather coverage interests me. Channel 61: Know before you go! Fox Five's weather on the fives. Mike Woods. Storm Fields. Dave Price. Al Roker [he does weather, I think]. I just love watching weather forecasts. Despite all of the time that I put into watching weather coverage, I still don't understand the difference between fronts, barometric pressure, etc.
Ok, it isn't like I am a bad person but... I am interested in the coverage of Ernesto...and if it hits land, I will be watching the TV. I know that's horrible... because if it makes landfall, people will be injured or even killed. But the perils of nature are fascinating.
I love hail too...there hasn't been a hail storm in so long. I remember when I was a little kid. I ran outside during a hail storm and collected hail in a plastic tumbler. I proceeded to put the tumbler into the freezer; it remained there for months. Stupidest idea ever. What I was trying to do or accomplish, I have no idea.
Crossing my fingers for a hailstorm....during the schoolday so I can get the little brats to be quiet and we can all enjoy the splendor of pounding hail :)
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Anyone can be an artist??
Recently, I saw two HBO documentaries from awhile back: Naked States and Naked World. Both documentaries center on Spencer Tunick, a photographer who is known for taking pictures of massive groups of nude people. The people pose in front of national buildings or sometimes they are just lying in a large field. Tunick says that he views the groups of nudes as "part of the landscape." I don't know---the art seems kind of gimmicky. I mean, there's the artist George Rodrigue who is well-known for his blue dog paintings. He basically paints the same blue dog over and over. It's iconic; people see that blue dog and know that it is Rodrigue's work that they are looking at. But is it art?
I guess I would see Rodrigue's work as more art-worthy than Tunick's. Somehow Tunick's photos appeal to squint your eyes and you don't see naked bodies; you just see flesh tones embedded into the photo. You unsquint your eyes and suddenly 1,000 nude bodies are before you. Most of the people who pose are white, or so it seems when you look at the photo...or is it that all of the bodies just merge into the flesh tone that we describe as "white"?
What makes me laugh is that in Naked States, there is a point where Tunick seeks out Phish fans as possible people to photograph. At a Phish concert, he extends an invitation to photograph a group of nude people...hoping to have at least 1,000 people show up. 2,000 people showed up... this was a Phish made sense.
I think the photos are cool to look at but... 2 things come to mind when I look at them:
1] the people strangely resemble piles of carcasses
2] Tunick's art kind of reminds me of the Magic Eye fad of the late 1990s...
Damn-- I need to come up with some gimmicky art and make tons of money. Then I can sit around all day, read, and drink milkshakes:)
Friday, August 25, 2006
Dull day, but autumn beckons!
Last Days is "fictional" but it based on the last few days of Kurt Cobain's life. It was okay. I thought Van Sant would have delved into Cobain's real life and used that as a basis for a lot of the movie, but it didn't seem that way. Needless to say, this wasn't a particularly chipper flick.
I proceeded to fall asleep; I wasn't physically tired, but I think my body just knew I needed sleep. This happens sometimes, when I don't feel my happiest. I woke up a few hours later, watched some TV, and here I am. I detest days like this; they feel like such a waste. At least I know that tomorrow will be better. I went outside to take the trash out and the weather was mild--- I can feel that autumn is on its way. With autumn comes fall festivals, apple picking, and the need to put an extra sheet or blanket on the bed. I love it.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Grammar Rage
I don’t care if you’re working for some indie publishing house or something well-known like Random House or Knopf. When I read a book from your company, there should not be grammar mistakes that an 8th grader (well, some) could correct.
I finished my cheesy chick-lit title, 20 Times a Lady. It was entertaining, despite an incredibly cheesy ending. I think the book’s ending actually made me smile for a limited amount of time, so I can’t complain too much.
What bothered me most about this book was the onslaught of grammatical errors. I got so annoyed that after I encountered the second mistake, I began bending the corners of subsequent pages with errors. This bending of the pages would allow me to go back, at a later point, and refer to these errors.
So, here I go. I know it is very nerdy to actually mark down grammatical errors found in a book, but these errors were soooo obvious. 3 of the 4 errors are essentially the same mistake, but I still think they count as separate mistakes. They should count as separate mistakes; this was a nationally published book.
“ ‘You heard me!’ I scream. ‘You’re dog liked me better! He did!” p.106
[the silliness of this book is amplified by the specific passages that I am quoting. Again, another your/you’re mistake. Y-O-U-R--- it shows possession! Argh…]
At this point, I truly need to pack my bags, make my way over to England, and have a cup of tea with Lynn Truss. She'd understand.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Appearance Updates
I’m outside, trying to even my tan/sunburn. I went to the beach at Seaside Heights on Saturday. I applied a large amount of sunblock to my face; the whole sunburn/peeling effect is very unattractive, especially when it occurs on your face. I wanted to get some color on my arms and legs, so I left them sans-sunblock. Well- the result was that my legs got burrrrrnnned[I hardly ever wear shorts so the last time my legs saw daylight was probably in 6th grade, with the exception of my crazy-cargo-shorts-era in freshman year of college]. My arms generally have a bit of color to them; the pink collided with the previous semi-tan color, making my arms and orangeish hue. So now I am outside, trying to balance everything out. This will end badly, I’m sure.
I got a haircut yesterday—a hairstyle actually. The hairdresser who always does my hair, Donna, understands my beauty language: “Um…cut off whatever is dead… I want layers but minimal layers…nothing too noticeable.” Yesterday she asked, “Cut it like usual?” and I replied, “Yes.” It is wonderful…she understands my crazy concept of beauty and low-maintenance haircuts. Well, I came home with a new style, I’d say. I haven’t had my hair cut since April so tons of “dead stuff” needed to be cut- it’s now a little longer than chin length, with lots of layers; the layers are definitely noticeable. I’m loving it. I feel like I look different. I do have an upcoming concern though--- the first washing. Oh, I hate it. You try doing the hair on your own and it looks cruddy. I think that the beauty industry gives special appliances and products to hair salons. No matter what you previously looked like, once the hairdresser uses those special products on you, you look amazing. You leave the salon and feel like a new person, maybe even compare yourself to a movie star. Then you come home and style it yourself…you suddenly resemble Don King or Christina Aguilera [the "bad" Christina Aguilera, like when she was in the "Lady Marmalade" video].
I've already searched google for "celebrities" and "bad hair days;" there are tons of websites devoted to this subject matter. If I style my hair tomorrow and it looks atrocious, the first thing I will do is check out one of those sites:)
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Michissa?? New name in the making??
I recall working at Borders. Every English major has either worked at a Borders or a library. Try playing “6 Degrees of Borders.” You’ll be able to find connections to Borders employee through 6 or less people that you know. 1 degree: I know John; he worked at Borders. Even if John didn’t work at Borders, I still could make the connection: I know John; John knows Justin; Justin worked at Borders.
Back to the Borders anecdote…My boss, Rudy, called for me to do some stupid task…probably shelf-reading or something. He got irked when I didn’t respond but… he had called out to me, “Melissa!” It was a great moment. When he asked, “Why didn’t you answer?,” I got to give an acceptable smartass response: “Because my name isn’t Melissa.”
It’s gotten to the point where the name mistake doesn’t bother me that much; I will respond if someone calls me Melissa. It’s just incredibly annoying.
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Anti-climactic evening
It took us a little over an hour to arrive at the fair… traffic on route 15 was terrible. An entertaining thing I saw was in front of the Chatterbox. They were having a car show and this woman had on one of those t-shirts that has a silkscreened svelte body wearing a bikini. I haven't seen one of those shirts in so long! But the traffic!!! ...literally, the entire state of NJ was headed for this fair. My enthusiasm could not be disturbed- I bided time in the car by looking at the various houses and thinking, “Wow, how long would it take to mow that lawn? At least it would be good exercise.” There was even a message spray painted on this abandoned building: “To Tony and [someone else I forget the name]: Please send me to heaven.” So bizarre.
When we got to the fair, the admissions set-up was so illogical. We walked past a stand that clearly said FRESH SQUEEZED LEMONADE and a woman yelled over to us, “Hey! You have to buy tickets.” We proceeded to pay the $10 admission, which I feel is a bit “steep.” Then she told us to give our admission tickets to the “man in red,” who was about 3 inches from where the lemonade/admissions stand was. Complete ludicrousness. Couldn't the woman at the lemonade stand do the ticket-taking at the same time?
The fair was ok. I enjoyed all of the animals. Magnus was this giant grey rabbit who looked like he could kick Flash’s ass. The alpacas were pretty cool to look at: they make me think of a mixture of a poodle and a camel. It was odd because nearly every animal we looked at had earned a ribbon of some kind. I guess they figure you deserve some kind of award if you raise animals or livestock in Jersey.
John made a good point as we walked around: “Fairs are for family and kids.” It isn’t like I am at the point in my life where I think I am old or that I am “too old” to do certain things, but there was a certain validity in what he was saying. I saw tons of families there, little kids getting too excited about the cheesy fair rides. I saw a lot of teenagers together, buying band t-shirts, jewelry, and other stuff. On the line to the bathroom [women’s line being astoundingly long; men’s line non-existent] was a teenaged couple. The boy and girl were doing that gratuitous making out, the kind that you do because you can---and because it tends to piss off adults. I mean, this boy was literally vacuuming the girl’s face with his lips. When she was finally next on line for the women’s bathroom, he veered over to the lineless men’s bathroom.
When John and I first dated, we went to the fair near my hometown. It was fun… we went on the swings ride together and held hands. I remember him passing his gum over to me on that ride too… hey, if you can exchange kisses, then why not gum? I looked at the pictures from that fair the other day. My lips were bright blue for some reason…probably some blue raspberry Icee or something.
Last night was just kind of disappointing. We ended up wallowing in our disappointment by eating “fair food”: zeppoles, roasted almonds, and a venison burger---unconventional fair food, I suppose. Then when I got home, my stomach hurt…
Last night, John asked, “How come everything that we go to lately sucks?” I wouldn’t say that everything I have done lately sucks, but when I’ve tried to do things that I have previously loved [fairs, for example], the evening just ends up disappointing me. I guess as you get older, certain things are not as fun as they used to be… that’s kind of sad though. We want to go to the Renaissance Fair in NY soon… haven’t ever been to that… I plan to have utter fun… maybe come home with a cheesy princess hat too, after wearing it all day at the Ren-Fair...We'll see.
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Giddy like a 12-year old girl!
My hands are still shaking… I went to see Pete Yorn do an in-store performance at Vintage Vinyl. I’ve liked him since his debut album came out in 20o1. I went to see him at the Birch Hill, which has since closed down. Of course---any place I like eventually closes or goes out of business. Anyway, my hands were shaking on the drive down to Fords. I could feel my heart beating super fast; it still is. I guess I was a little star struck, one could say. I’ve never met a musician in person before. I’ve met authors and poets before: BJ Ward, Donald Hall, Caroline Cooney, and David LuBar…but this was no comparison!
I want to live alone in the desert
I want to be like Georgia O'Keefe
I want to live on the
And never go down in the street
Splendid Isolation
I don't need no one