Thursday, October 05, 2006

Nature! Goulet!!

I never liked Will Ferrell's Robert Goulet skit but... I've recently come to appreciate it:
"Staring contest, me and you. You win, you always do." So funny. And I found out the other day that Robert Goulet really exists...thus making the skit even more funny.

I love this type of weather. The air is chilly and most conventional people are already wearing their "fall jackets."I don't own a fall jacket. It's either a wool peacoat or nothing. I like feeling the cold air hit my body; it wakes me up in the morning. Sometimes, even during the winter months, I drive with my driver's side window down. I sing out the window; sometimes I can see my breath fade into the distance, as I drive on.

I always get annoyed when I see people driving with their windows up, despite a beautiful day of weather. I just don't understand why they wouldn't want to feel a cool breeze as they drive. This annoyance sometimes turns into true pissed-off-ed-ness. I know that's kind of crazy... I don't get it though. Unless it's 95 degrees out with 100% humidity, why not drive with the windows down?

The leaves are starting to change color and this is the season where I get to run the gamut with color adjectives: vermillion, mustard, mahogany, burgundy, crimson, ...

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