Friday, July 07, 2006

"Procrastinators Unite!!! ...Tomorrow"

I once saw "Procrastinators Unite!!...Tomorrow" silkscreened on a tshirt. I thought it was funny, in that cheesy kind of way. I even bought the tshirt. I thought it would make a good "gym shirt." To this day, I still haven't worn it.... I hate having people read the front of my tshirts. Still though, I love that slogan.

The "goal" today was to procrastinate by watching a movie and then to read ch 7, minimum, of the Coles book. The "goal" last week was to exercise 5 consecutive days. Has either goal been accomplished? Nope....

I actually OVER accomplished the movie goal. I watched two documentaries today- and what an odd juxaposition of movies. The first doc. was called Born Rich, directed by Jamie Johnson, heir to the Johnson and Johnson fortune. It was supposed to be an "inside look" into the lives of the extremely wealthy- an "inside look' to get a sense of the complexities of their world... I don't know- I saw Jamie Johnson talking about the documentary on Oprah...I put the documentary in my Netflix qeue and then it arrived. In retrospect, why do I care about the complex lives of the rich? they're rich; I'm not- end of story. Jamie Johnson was basically whining about how he feels the need to have a job and a passion in life... well, you're a millionaire...stop whining and instead get a job, a passion, or whatever else you're looking for. after Born Rich, I should have read Coles' book... I postponed my rendez-vous with Coles until tomorrow...

I decided to watch another documentary, It Was a Wonderful Life. This documentary was made in the early 90s and discusses the "invisible women," the population of homeless women in the U.S. This documentary actually moved me- these women were living out of their cars, literally, and still got up every morning and "gave it their all." One woman had the "luxury" of renting a UHaul truck for a month. She used the back of the truck as her home. She slept with the back of the truck unlocked [because you can't lock the back of the truck from the inside]; one evening someone lifted up the back enclosure and tried stealing her knapsack. She pulled a gun on him- it made me think of Give a Boy a Gun. Just holding the gun scared the man away.

Another woman has 3 children and lost her job. She is a well-educated woman and when she even tried to get a minimum wage job she was rejected- for being "too qualified." She lives with her kids in a motel and is even sending her oldest daughter to college. The bravery of these women was astounding. It reminds me that I shouldn't complain/moan and groan about things like doing the dishes, exercising, or most of all- reading a book for a grad school class.

Tomorrow, I WILL read the Coles book... I also want to take Nickel and Dimed off of my bookshelf and start that too....

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