Monday, February 19, 2007

3:33pm and @ home:)

I saw Amy last night. I love how after all these years we now actually get along. I can remember when we were growing up she would call me "Fat Pimple Face" and I'd call her smut names. We'd chase each other around the house and because of my girth, well, yeah, she'd usually catch me. Those were definitely the worst of times.

Now we totally get along. I like going out with her because she gets along with everyone and always seems to put everyone in a good mood. Last night we went to Segra's in the Ironbound part of Newark. On Sundays, they have karaoke. My voice is HORRIBLE --but, hey, that's the type of singers karaoke is for. I love standing up in front of the crowd and singing. I never would have done karaoke years ago but when you're a teacher it definitely forces you to come out of your shell. You can't be overly shy and be a successful authority figure.

This might have been when I was singing "It's So Easy." That song is lame. I never realized that the whole song is basically the chorus, over and over.

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Today I bought John a V-day gift. I don't know--I think Valentine's Day is stupid. He came home last week and was so excited because he bought me a gift that he thought I would love. He reminded me of a little kid, coming home with a gift for mom and dad and being super excited about it. He got me a beautiful bracelet that I actually love...and I hadn't gotten him anything. I know he doesn't care but it actually made me feel bad---so today I went out and bought him a few surprises.

2 more days left of break... Netflix DVDs, please arrive soon! I'm tempted to switch to Blockbuster's service b/c you can return DVDs to their store and get new ones from your queue but... i hate Blockbuster.

1 comment:

Oberon said...'re a brave soul.....and i know....i hate blockbuster too.