Now we totally get along. I like going out with her because she gets along with everyone and always seems to put everyone in a good mood. Last night we went to Segra's in the Ironbound part of Newark. On Sundays, they have karaoke. My voice is HORRIBLE --but, hey, that's the type of singers karaoke is for. I love standing up in front of the crowd and singing. I never would have done karaoke years ago but when you're a teacher it definitely forces you to come out of your shell. You can't be overly shy and be a successful authority figure.
This might have been when I was singing "It's So Easy." That song is lame. I never realized that the whole song is basically the chorus, over and over.
Today I bought John a V-day gift. I don't know--I think Valentine's Day is stupid. He came home last week and was so excited because he bought me a gift that he thought I would love. He reminded me of a little kid, coming home with a gift for mom and dad and being super excited about it. He got me a beautiful bracelet that I actually love...and I hadn't gotten him anything. I know he doesn't care but it actually made me feel bad---so today I went out and bought him a few surprises.
2 more days left of break... Netflix DVDs, please arrive soon! I'm tempted to switch to Blockbuster's service b/c you can return DVDs to their store and get new ones from your queue but... i hate Blockbuster.
1 comment:'re a brave soul.....and i know....i hate blockbuster too.
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