Am multi-tasking and watching American Idol AND working with Facebook at the same time. On an "A.I." note, I am smitten with the two Chrises: Chris Richardson [a blonde cutie--and I hardly ever find blonde guys attractive--thought his song choice was kind of cheesy but was performed "fairly" well] and Chris Sligh [cutie in a pudgy, adorable way---GOOD singer]. Besides The Office, American Idol is one of the only shows I watch on a regular basis. It seems like a show I'd never watch b/c it is kind of cheesy, but I love it nonetheless.
I already have a Myspace account, so I decided to set up a Facebook account and see what that experience was like. Although Myspace isn't the easiest sites, in terms of navigating and setting up your profile, help is generally easy to find. The onsite tutorials are horrible. When I've been stuck on the site, I've just gone to random profiles-- after deciding if the person looked "nice" [normal photos posted, nothing creepy on their profile] I sometimes emailed her and asked about how to fix pictures, layouts, etc. Most people's profiles come from a layout site that is advertised on their profile. It's easy to look at someone's profile and find links to valid layout websites. Even though I am not that much of a tech person, my Myspace profile has a special layout, Youtube videos, a song, and tons of photos. This was all done pretty easily. There's also tons of tutorials if you do a Google search.
Facebook felt like it was more difficult to navigate. I set up my profile with the general profile information and a photo, but did not know where to go from there. I'm wondering--do you have to have a college email to register with the site? I'm guessing you do, because that's the email the site asked for. The site seems like it gives you less freedom, in regard to designing layouts, including music, etc on your profile. It also seems less ideal for non-undergrad students who are interested in social networking. On Myspace you can easily browse through different profiles,but it seems harder on Facebook, as if you have to have a "plan" before you start your search. I'll keep experimenting with it...
[after A.I. !!]
I *love* your account of how you're teaching yourself to customize your MySpace page! So telll us some more about your MySpace experience.... I'm deeply curious because this particular social networking service has been so demonized in the media and it would be interesting to get an educator's take on it. I've also heard tales of some teachers in New Jersey schools being banned for having MySpace pages--do you have any thoughts on that?
One of my co-workers actually got fired because of a Myspace incident. This was about 3 years ago and within my district, we found out that tons of our middle schoolers were on the site (misrepresenting their ages and showing inappropriate pictures). It turns out my coworker had a Myspace page too (searchable by her name). Another big issue was that she was logging onto the site during the school day. I think that we have rights to use this website but since we are teachers, we do have to be responsible. My Myspace page is "private" and unsearchable by my last name. Even though it is private and only viewable by friends, I always am careful when posting, especially when posting pictures. Images can easily be copied and manipulated. I don't think teachers should be banned from using Myspace. I do find a problem with going onto sites like that during the workday.
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