Tuesday, March 06, 2007

No more Comic Sans

My hatred of the Comics Sans MS font is something that I am confronted with on a weekly basis. I was thinking about it this morning while walking in the hallway. I passed a sign that included that font and it annoyed me.

Seriously! We get so many emails, flyers, etc at work that contain that stupid font. I think it works for elementary schools---it has an animated, comic [duh], & fun look about it. At middle and high schools (and other places of business), I just think it looks lame. I hate when we get staff emails that seek volunteering for some type of event and the Comic Sans font is used... it's kind of like, "Let's use this cutesy font and more people will volunteer to chaperone a dance on a Friday night." A font won't make me sacrifice my Friday night.

And progress reports too! Why the cutesy Comic Sans MS font? "Here's your F... it's ok, don't be too sad about it. "

Along with notebook shreds on the ground, loud chewing, and throat-clearing I guess it's just another pet peeve of mine.

My preference? Century Gothic and Verdana all the way...

[Oh my gosh- out of curiosity, I googled "no comic sans"--Take a look!!] There's bumper stickers available!


FHCoach said...

Wow you feel very stong about Comic Sans!! I hope for your sake that people around you stop using it.

Ms. Crabtree said...

uh... excuse me???!!!! I happen to be one of those people who likes comic sans... it's not something i use all the time but it is a "cute" font that serves a purpose... perhaps it's my creative side or my Kindergarten background but i like cutesie fonts...