Fox 5 had a story on last night's news about eating disorders and websites that seem to be promoting anorexia and bulimia as certain "lifestyles." Because they didn't want to "encourage" any of their viewers to seek out the website, the news channel specifically stated it was not going to share any specific websites with the audience.
Well, people aren't idiots and can use Google quite easily. Even if you are an idiot, when you search through Google, the site does spellcheck for your search terms, etc.
I was curious about these sites and tracked some of them down tonight. The movements are called Pro-Ana and Pro-Mia, anorexia and bulimia, respectively. It's crazy- on the Pro-Ana site, there's all these daily testimonials from girls [didn't see any from guys] about low calorie consumption, taking speed, etc. One girl was proud of her accomplishment today: 1oo calories consumed. It's crazy. Pro-Mia websites were similar, but Pro-Ana sites seemed more abundant on the web.
I can't imagine obsessing over food like that so much... I mean, I tend to be an "emotional eater" and sometimes tend to overeat...but I can't imagine having food totally be such a focus point of my life. Sometimes I feel like I am borderline compulsive eater, but for the most part, I eat what I should. If I binge, it usually is when I am alone though---which I know is bad. Tonight I wanted a little "treat" of trail mix--I know that "trail mix" is not legitimately healthy when it contains M&Ms and other sweets like this specific mix did. I wanted a little bit-- I finished the bag. I don't get why those type of things happen or why I do them.
I wonder why eating disorders are so abundant in today's society--- I mean, there's a myriad of reasons and it certainly is a complex issue---I just don't know if I completely "get it." When can we be happy with ourselves? It's not an easy question to answer at all.... I was very large in high school, lost weight in college, and have recently gained a little weight back. It's frustrating. It's just food and it's just there to keep us alive and give us nutrition---but why is it such a huge facet of so many of our lives???
hey plethoria,
i'm eating disordered and i'm in recovery at the moment, but i can understand why so many of us desire to be anorexic again (hence joining the pro-ana movement).
believe me, the binge-purging lifestyle of bulimia, or the binge eating of COE is extremely traumatizing, and in a weird twisted way, anorexia is like a serene place of peace.
i guess i'm rambling, but yeah, pretty much that's what i needed to spit out.
take care!
hungry guy ryan
Good post, Michelle -- you helped me think through some things. I wonder about the sites, who runs them as well as who posts, and not running the names on the news isn't particularly effective. Nor is a short, news bite about the issue at all. We need something bigger, deeper -- a different look at how and why we eat as much as we do, and how it relates to issues of how we see ourselves. I don't know what that is, or how -- but what we're doing now is too surface, too quick. These are larger issues, for sure.
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