Thursday, May 17, 2007


It's the night before progress reports are due. I think it's a waste of time to have 130 progress reports ready when things always turn out the same each marking period. The same kids get As and do stellar work; the same kids get low grades and comments like "Needs to improve homework completion in order to boost grade; I know your son/daughter is capable...blah blah blah." I have yet to remember a case when a student made a miraculous changeover from bad student to amazing student.

Was reading my 8th graders' journals and HAD to laugh. I post writing prompts and they do 5 minutes of sustained writing. One of the prompts one day was something along the lines of "Putting my foot in my mouth..." Reading through the journals now, TWO students wrote about how they can't put their foot in their mouth because they're not flexible enough. One student said, "That's totally gross anyway" and the other one commented, "I think it's weird and not attractive."

It's times like this that I have to laugh. They're such little smartasses in class but SOOOO basic otherwise.

Another student wrote about our school's "cruel" administration and how when he goes to prep school next year the administration will actually care. Guess that's what money will buy you....

I am not counting down to the end of the schoolyear yet (or at least I am trying not to). After Memorial Day, I feel like we'll be "home free." Until then, I'll continue to say the AA creed..."one day at a time."

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