Ok, so today's torrential rainfall warranted some "thematic" music on the radio...something in connection to the weather...maybe the Carpenters' "Rainy Days and Mondays;" perhaps a little bit of "It's Raining Men;" or maybe the most logical Billboard-friendly choice, Rihanna's "Umbrella." Djs are idiots. Instead, I would turn from station to station and hear the same crap...the Chris Daughtry "I'm Coming Home" song; that Pink "U and UR Hand" song [good in step aerobics class, but that's about it]; or Fergie's "Big Girls Don't Cry."
I kind of secretly love rainy days. If I have to work at school, rainy days suck. I get up, make myself look presentable, wear "nice work clothes," and even style my hair--- only to get to work with frizzy hair and raindrops scattered on my clothing. Working at the library during the summer is much better for rainy days... it's a good place to be. Or staying in bed and watching documentaries...or reading...good rainy day activities.
I find "umbrella trends" fascinating. 99% of the males that I saw today were either 1] being macho and walking through the rain torrents as if they didn't notice them or 2] using black, navy blue, or dark grey umbrellas. I saw one guy with an earth-toned plaid umbrella. Based on his umbrella use alone, if I was single, I'd date him.
Ladies run the gammut with the motifs and designs on their umbrellas. Most that I saw today were solid colors. I have a feeling this is an East coast phenomenon. I bet people in Florida use vividly colored umbrellas, or umbrellas with cheesy beach themes. I saw someone today who had a Winnie the Pooh umbrella. I'd bet money that she was an elementary school teacher. You just know. Someone else had this reddish/ivory umbrella that looked like a watercolor painting of a radish.
Me, I used to use a black umbrella. Last week, I turned a new leaf. My new umbrella is black [conservative] with brightly colored polka dots [wild]---a perfect twist for an NJ girl.
(Umbrellas #4, Pastel, by Robert Weinstein )
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