I am so glad this day is done...or at least that the "work-related" part of the day is done. It's past 6:00 and I just got home from work. Not a big deal to most people, but I got to work at 7. Have observations of other teachers that I have to do for grad school...thus, I lose my preps and have to do stuff after school. Am also being observed myself by the principal next week...so that whole nervousness/anxiety scenario is starting up. When he observes me, his face looks stone-cold and completely bored. I try to block him out of my view and just pretend he isn't in the room. His comments are always the same... class-management related and "Why did you pick THIS lesson? Why did you choose THOSE vocabulary words?"Annoying.
Am going out with a friend tomorrow and we made preliminary plans. Had my cell phone off at work. Got home and she had left 2 messages...both with tones like, "Call me back NOW," and an email complete with capitals. It's not like I am going to ditch her. I generally stay committed to plans once I make them. People piss me off.
My 8th graders are bastards. Luckily, it's only one class that is really horrendous. On Monday, I am taking a colleague's suggestion and giving that class BRUTALLY boring seatwork. If anyone talks or objects, out they go. Tuesday, I can start off with "Things can be how they were yesterday or they could be different...blah blah blah."
And I've been reading my students' journals and they're all so obsessed with money and being rich. I know a lot of people dream of being rich...but these kids write as if they deserve it. I don't know ...money does not solve all problems... moreso, it creates them...
Today is just a day where I feel inclined to put a temporary bumper sticker on my car... PEOPLE SUCK.
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