Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Andy Warhol of high school

I was looking at an old photo album from high school. During my high school years, there is an abundance of photos; however, I am not very prominent in them. My albums have tons of "in action" pictures of others, almost as I was using my horrifically outdated (regular 35mm camera...no frills) as an outsider view into their world. Plenty of photos have my friends in them, but other photos feature people that I was not particularly close to. 

In the photos where I am actually shown, I am the epitome of angst. My face is generally facing downward, my shoulders are hunched, and my body is pulled forward. When they make the current videos and public service announcements about bullying, a photo of high school me could be equivalent to the "bullying target." In retrospect, I wonder, why didn't anybody intervene ...somehow? 

Besides my awkward body motions, I also wore plentiful amounts of guy clothing...

In the words of a good (current) friend who recently saw some high school photos of me: "Fuck! You look like a dyke...."

Someone needed to tell me that honest statement back in 1998...the dyke "look" was definitely not the intent...

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