Thursday, January 05, 2012

Fuck at 7:57AM

Last night was filled with gluttony. I came home from work, gazed at the computer screen for hours, and pacified my stress-induced hunger with carbs galore: Allagash beer, dinner rolls, fruitcake, and Tostitos. Sloth and overeating do not go well together. I went to bed, annoyed at myself for wasting the evening.

This morning the Language Arts teachers got a "surprise"- we had a workshop that administration forgot to tell us about. I scrambled to make plans for the substitute, relenting and just leaving a vocabulary sheet and a video.

I wasn't in the best mood today anyway, so a morning workshop actually turned out to be convenient. 

Sitting at the table during the start of the workshop, I opened my purse and my cell phone fell across the ground. At 7:57...barely 20 minutes into the school day, I uttered, "Fuck" under my breath and my co-worker looked at me surprisingly. I explained how I only curse when I am stressed or taking a workout class for the first time and doing poorly. 

Later in the day, I accidentally bit my lower lip twice. This was not sexy Kristen Stewart lip biting (which I've practiced doing in the mirror times before, without any success). This was "Fuck, I am stressed" lip biting. 

We watched Portlandia the other day and while I know the show is spoofing Portland and while I know that "real Portland" has its good points and bad points, I want to move somewhere now...and I'd be okay with it being there:) 

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