Thursday, March 15, 2007

It's a Bob Marley kind of afternoon

Well, it was 75 degrees outside yesterday, according to my car's thermometer. After work, I sat outside with the cats and my neighbors. Like three old women chatting on porch stoops, we sat outside for about an hour and a half, our cats being one of the main topics of conversation. I can't help it---I've been a "cat person" since childhood. They're grouchy, cranky, super affectionate, territorial, and so on--- I love the unpredictability.

I'm feeling a lot better, in general. Even this threat of snow doesn't bother me all that much...although i hope it doesn't "really" snow tomorrow evening...I'm supposed to go out fr St. Patty's Eve and I am jonesin' to wear my green.

Right now I'm listening to the good-mood album, Bob Marley's Legend. I love that practically the entire earth's population owns a copy of this album. Ask anyone, no matter what their music preferences, if they have Bob Marley's Legend and inevitably the answer will be "Yes."

Was reading a YA book yesterday and came across a hilarious piece of dialogue that is yearning to be shared:

"So say we' re at the Motel 6 on the other side of the Lincoln Tunnel and we're having that threeway with E.T. Who gets to be on top and who gets to be on bottom?"

Nick answers, "No brainer. E.T. can't take the heat and heads off to the motel vending machine for some Reese's Pieces, and hopefully doesn't get caught in the crossfire of some crack deal gone bad while he's out there. I mean really, Norah, Motel 6 off the tunnel? Couldn't we class it up a little? Wouldn't the devirginization of E.T. merit at least a Radisson, at least Paramus?"
Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist, by Rachel Cohn and David Levithan

That's some of the funniest dialogue I've read in awhile. Good times.


Mystic Teacher said...

lol. i needed that giggle this afternoon! funny thing..the argument makes sense- I was a little offended about them talking about E.T like that!

Unknown said...

That totally cracked me up, too. What's the book?

DrDana said...

Oops, it's me Dr Dana. I am accidentally logged in as my boyfriend.