Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Snow Day Nothingness

Well, we got a snow day from school. Don't know exactly why. It was lightly snowing last night and then did change to ice, but now it is about 40 degrees outside. And for ONCE, I actually cleaned off my car tonight, in order to make this morning easier...a fruitless effort since by the time this morning arrived, the snow had dissipated anyway.

Snow days are odd. I always have these idealized visions of doing things around the apartment, reading, going to the gym (because generally the snow days I get are not anything comparable to REAL snow)...I always end up making breakfast for John (guilt over the fact that he has to go to work), watching however many minutes of a talk show that I can tolerate (this morning it was about 8 minutes of a "You're the daddy and you know it!" paternity episode of Maury), and then falling asleep. Woke up around noon and decided to make myself even more comatose by eating leftover Chinese food...that stuff is like the elixir of great sleep. Then watched the Adam Sandler/Done Cheadle movie Reign Over Me. Cried two to three times during the movie. Not like it was anything super emotional but I don't know...I've been overly emotional lately. EVEN cried during the Grammys. Maybe it is excitement over being married... or feeling overwhelmed by it all. I don't know.

Point is this: for once I wish one of my snow days from work would be a real, hardcore blizzard-like snowday....then I would not feel so guilty about wasting the day away....

Monday, February 04, 2008

The Quest for Tacky Earrings continues....

You know how when you get a gift from a family member that you're obligated to wear it at least show that "you like it?" Case in point.... I vividly recall a sweatsuit set I got in 5th grade. Pink pants and sweatshirt... the shirt had a big gumball machine on it and on parts of the shirt and pants were large, circular, gumball-esque things. I can't believe I ever wore it.

Kids today know so much and are such smartasses, if I had the outfit now I'd probably be the target of lines like, "Hey, you have balls all over you." I actually heard someone repeatedly exclaim "Boner!!!" at the end of the schoolday today. I don't know who the culprit was... I don't think I want to.

Back to story.

A few years back I got a pair of dangly earrings from John's aunt and uncle. I used to be a plain Jane, studs-only type of gal. I started wearing the dangly earrings and have since formed somewhat of an addiction. I even tried winning Xmas Troll dangly earrings on Ebay this December but lost the auction.

Despite not being a football fan and not really caring that much about the Giants' victory (although it's awesome that the Patriots were 18-0 and lost it all at the Superbowl...priceless), I've been searching like a lunatic for dangly Giants Superbowl Championship earrings. Found some real tacky ones at the official Giants website. Tacky dangly earrings pair #-who-knows-what, here I come...