Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Give me a fucking break.... Mr. Grey

Okay, so it's been over a year and a half since the first 50 Shades book was published. The book has clearly hit, pummeled, and annihilated the masses. My mother even read the book, although she was surprised at the content: "I thought it was going to be about sex with old people....50 shades of grey.... I've never done that type of sexual stuff though!" Okay, mother, TMI.

Last month, I finally read the first book in the series. It is definitely apparent that EL James turned a piece of Twilight fan fiction into erotica. Christian Grey is easily comparable to Edward. Edward broods because he is stuck "evermore" as a vampire; Christian is stuck with his "secret" and his "red playroom." Anastasia constantly lures Christian in with the nervous biting on her bottom lip. Kristen Stewart did the same bullshit move in the Twilight films; I'm not sure if the "real" Bella Swan chomped on her lips though.

The book is filled with cheesy lines and horrific metaphors & similes. There's lines about Anastasia's "inner goddess" being brought out by Christian. At one point, Anastasia compares herself to Icarus...are you fucking serious?

Despite how horribly written the book is, I've moved onto the second book in the series. I'm reading it on my Kindle and I have to chuckle at the lines that are marked as "most highlighted." Basically, any line at which I want to roll my eyes is a line which has earned thousands of highlights by readers. Here's a case in point, a line uttered by Christian Grey: "No, I'm doing this because I've finally met someone I want to spend the rest of my life with." 2,587 people (admittedly) highlighted that line. That line is a ripoff of the end of When Harry Met Sally and every other romantic comedy movie or book ever written.

Still though, I continue reading it. I guess that I share something in common with Mr. Grey: sadism.

Off to read more passages about inner goddesses, melting hearts, and quivering thighs....