Sunday, February 05, 2012

Recent poem

I know that "successful blogs" have some kind of theme: musings on daily life, video clips, top-whatever lists, and so on. I did start writing a blog entry in how I revel at the fact that some people I graduated high school with are now fat. The entry did not go too far. What am I?- a lead character in Mean Girls?

So, instead, here is a recent poem. I've been trying to write more often. Whenever people ask me why I stopped, my reply is, "Students suck the creativity out of me." Well, screw them... I'm making it come back.

(Not yet titled)

The rain slackens 
but its sound
echoes into the air. 
Stray droplets reach my windowpane
and continue intermittent songs.

I am reminded of younger years,
long expanse of time, 
and your hands trailing paths down my body. 
Small, meager lamp on the bedstand,
Nothing but the gentle brush of colliding lips.
Breaths being passed between us
like carefully constructed words in a conversation.

I think of us now
and the sounds that surround us.
Cars battering the pavement, rushing to reach home. 
Dim streetlamps on the verge of disrepair. 
Rickety white fence posts shuddering in the wind.

I long for your breath on my body.

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