Monday, October 09, 2006


I can't stand the tv news or internet news. Newspaper news seems to leave out the dumb common sense health stories- if they have them at all, they partition a small square corner of a page to include such findings. So many news "features" result in me sighing, "Duh."

Examples from today:

Online there was an article regarding health tips on how medications can react badly with alcohol. Who doesnt know that? I mean, most people who socially drink will drink despite being told not to because of prescription mixtures, but that's their problem. They've been informed. How they use the information is up to them.

Even more duh-worthy was a tv news/internet news feature on how having kids involved in too many activities may stress them out and harm them in the long run.

CHICAGO — Here's some soothing medicine for stressed-out parents and overscheduled kids: The American Academy of Pediatrics says what children really need for healthy development is more good, old-fashioned playtime.

Many parents load their children's schedules with get-smart videos, enrichment activities and lots of classes in a drive to help them excel. The efforts often begin as early as infancy.
Spontaneous, free play — whether it's chasing butterflies, playing with "true toys" like blocks and dolls, or just romping on the floor with mom and dad — often is sacrificed in the shuffle, a new academy report says. ... [blah blah blah]

I never understood the need to have one's kids involved in tons of activities. Well, I kind of understand the schedule-them-in-everything mentality: 1] parents almost feel this "need," maybe it's due to competitiveness, to have their children involved in tons of activities... it almost validates them as parents, that they're doing a good job ; 2] some parents want to give their children the opportunities that they never had; and 3] some parents want to turn their kids into what they never got a chance to become.

When I was a kid, I did softball in the spring. During the schoolyear, I was in band and on safety patrol [Choruses sing "Dork!;" I know]. As the years went on, I got involved with clubs at school. But I would never say that my schedule was packed- only during sports seasons. Even then, I'd get home at 6 and have time for homework and for myself. I don't understand the need to rush kids from place to place; it ends up stressing parents too...since Mom and Dad are usually the drivers from place A to place B.

We're fatter than ever. We're tired than ever. We're out of touch more than ever.

Calm down, America.

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