Thursday, October 12, 2006

Slutty Halloween Costumes...

1st choice costume: Renaissance outfit, with the whole corset/bodice thing going on...
Decision: will wait until next year's Ren-Faire and will seek out a "real" Ren-ish outfit, not some lame Party City imitation

2nd choice costume: Pirate
Commentary: I know that being a pirate is probably so trendy now, with the Pirates of Carribbean movies and all. I don't even like those movies; I fell asleep during the first one. All my life, I've had cheesy Halloween costumes. I was always "something" that could be easily concocted: baby, cheerleader, cowgirl, hula girl, clown, etc. I don't think I have ever really felt the full essence of Halloween. Even though the pirate idea is kind of trendy, I think it will be fun... pirate outfit, cheesy hat, sword, boots, possibly fishnet stockings....
Decision: to be decided... Are there any non-slutty costumes out there?

Seriously! All of the Halloween costumes I've seen are so trampy. i know women's costumes tend to be "sexy," but some things I've seen are just ridiculous. Slutty seems to be the new norm. One website featured a "new for 2006!" costume: Red Light Rita. Who's going to be a prostitute for Halloween? Anything that can turned into a trampy costume will be turned into a trampy costume. I looked online for pirate outfits... they've managed to create pirate-slut outfits. I found one costume that was cute and semi-sexy; it was plus size. So is the idea that if you're in good shape, you can dress as the slutty pirate, but if you're overweight, you better cover yourself up?

They even had a "naughty librarian" outfit. I guess costumes like that would be cool if you created them yourself, but the fact that you can buy any costume...that's kind of annoying too...

The adult costumes bug me but, hey, adults can make a choice whether to go the salacious route.

What really bugs me is that they make sexy versions of these costumes for teens [when I think of teens, I think anywhere from age 13-18....]. I find it so disturbing. This one website [] annoyed me. They had a teen costumes section with costumes like [let me preface the costumes with "slutty"]: Little Bo Peep, "Hottie Totties" Little Red Riding Hood, Red Hot Witch Queen [basically a SHORT red dress and red withc hat], etc. I know that there's a huge difference between a 13 year old and an 18 year old, but still. I worry about the kind of thing we're promoting...

So on I go...the search continues... for a "semi" sexy, non-slutty pirate outfit....

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